Drága szeretett leányom, Az Ígéretem, hogy újra eljövök, még ennek a nemzedéknek az életében fog beteljesedni. Jelenleg a világon sok ember mit sem törődik az Úr Nagy Napjára vonatkozó próféciákkal, melyeket a Szent Biblia tartalmaz. Annak érdekében, hogy felkészülhessetek erre az időre, Atyám arra utasított Engem, hogy tájékoztassalak benneteket arról, hogy Második Eljövetelem időpontja ki van tűzve, de csak egyedül Isten, az Örök Atya ismeri ezt az időpontot. Még Nekem, az Ő egyszülött Fiának, sincs tudomásom erről az időpontról, csak azt tudom, hogy hamarosan bekövetkezik.
A nagy megújulás előtt még számos eseménynek kell megtörténnie, de tudnotok kell, hogy mindezek gyorsan és egymást követő gyorsasággal fognak bekövetkezni. Azoknak, akik félnek a Nagy Naptól, inkább bízniuk kellene Bennem, és imádkozniuk azok lelkéért, akik minden tőlük telhetőt megtesznek majd, hogy ellenszegüljenek Nekem, mialatt Én felkutatom a lelkeket. A Tervem az, hogy közületek még a legmakacsabbat is elvigyem Királyságomba, mivel az Én Királyságom a világ számára készült. Királyságom el fog jönni, mert ez Isten Terve, és a Végső Szövetség az Ő Isteni Akarata szerint fog beteljesedni.
Imádkozzatok szívetek nagylelkűségével azok lelkéért, akiknek a legnagyobb szükségük van Irgalmamra, és Én be fogom őket borítani Drága Véremmel. Mindaz, ami kezdetben volt, a végén be fog teljesedni, és akkor egy vég nélküli világ fog létezni. Minden Atyámmal kezdődik és végződik.
Semmi sem fogja megakadályozni Második Eljövetelemet. Egy embernek sem lesz megengedve – aki ellenszegül Nekem, vagy megpróbálja eltávolítani a lelkeket Tőlem -, hogy szembeszálljon Velem, mert amikor megérkezem, minden ellenségem félre lesz dobva. Meg fogom menteni a gyengéket, a félénkeket, a bűnbánókat, az eretnekeket, a pogányokat, a hazugokat, a tolvajokat és a gyilkosokat – minden bűnöst. Senki sem marad ki Irgalmasságomból. Én mindnyájatokat szeretlek.
William: Szűzanya azt is mondta, hogy mindenkinek elmondja, hogy milyen fontos az üzenetek adott Christine Gallagher, Luz de Maria, Pedro Regis és Edson Glauber.
* Ez érdekes megjegyezni, hogy William angyalai során jelen üzenet: St Uriel, Szent Gabrieultous, Szent Sentimentarious, Szent Trilingus, Szent Antramidrious; Szent János Endore, Keresztelő Szent János, Szent William St Padre Pió, Szent Catherine Emmerich, Szent Theresa Neuman, Szent Pál V1, St John XXIII.
Ezek a szentek, akik William Védnökök: St Menoloutis, Szent Amor Dei, Szent Justintinus, Szent Mihály, Szent Gábriel, Szent Barachiel, St Raphael, Szent Mózes, Szent Salamon, St David, Szent Jób, Szent Ábrahám és Szent Noah.
Little Pebble levele Isten népéhez.
2017. szeptember 15.
Sokan nyugtalankodnak a közelgő Figyelmeztetés, a III. világháború, és az utolsó idők katasztrófái miatt. Miként kapcsolódnak ezek a Dániel Könyve, és Szent János Jelenések Könyve kijelentéseihez?
Ti ne legyetek összezavarodva a sok Figyelmeztetésről szóló üzenet miatt - amely bár hamarosan jönni fog - de előtte még sok más eseménynek kell bekövetkeznie.
Jegyezzétek hát meg a következőket:
A Nagy Háborúnak kell jönnie először.
-A Közel-Kelet Iránnal, Izraellel, és más nemzetekkel.
-Háború Európában, és orosz invázió.
-Háború Ázsiában – Észak,- Dél-Korea, Kína, Oroszország, és az USA beavatkozásával.
-Támadás az USA-ban.
-Háború Dél-Amerikában.
-Támadás Japánban; Ausztráliában.
-Mindeközben hatalmas vulkánkitörések és földrengések világszerte.
-A gazdaság, és a pénzügyi rendszer összeomlása.
-Az Antikrisztus megjelenése.
Ezt követően lesz a Figyelmeztetés, miután a pápa már elmenekült Rómából.
Előzőleg azonban megtörténik az Egyházszakadás.
Tehát a felsoroltak mind megtörténnek a Nagy Figyelmeztetés előtt.
Ezért kell otthonaitokat felkészíteni, és gondoskodni élelmiszeretekről, ivóvizetekről, illetve ha lehetséges, vidékre költözni, ahol magatok termelhetitek meg szükségleteiteket, és alakíthattok ki megfelelő menedékhelyeket.
Ezekben, és ehhez hasonló imaházakban fognak majd miséket mondani szerte a világon. Ezek lesznek majd az utolsó idők katakombái, ahol túléli a Hit az Antikrisztus egyházüldözését.
Ez az Egy Világegyház,- és Világállam idején történik, amikor a Fenevad bélyegét beültetik a kéz, vagy a homlok bőre alá.
Ennek a Wormwood üstökös, és az Elragadtatás vet majd véget.
A második három napos sötétség elteltével pedig elérkezik Jézus második eljövetele.
Little Pebblének adott üzenet 2017. szeptember 20-án:
Jézus tanácsa a bűnös tettek megelőzésére.
„Az ember megkísértése gyorsan történik, pillanatok alatt. Maga a kísértés még nem bűn, de ha azt egyszer tettek is követik, az a meghívás elfogadása.
Hogy a bűn elkövetését megelőzzétek, gondoljatok a tett következményeire. Gondoljatok egy pillanatra arra, hogy milyen fájdalmat okoz ez Megváltótok Legszentebb Szívének, Égi Édesanyátok gyengéden szerető Szívének, és az állandóan a ti védelmetekért harcoló Őrangyalotoknak.
A gyengeség pillanatában elkövetett tudatos, és akaratlagos tett következményei pedig önmagatokat, fivéreiteket, és nővéreiteket sújtják.
Az ilyen pillanatokban ezért mindig forduljatok Hozzánk, Égiekhez, és mi segítségetekre sietünk. Sose feledjétek, hogy Isten szeret benneteket, és megvédi gyermekeit. Béke veletek!”
Far worse will come to your Nations, even Australia – Unite with Me in daily prayer: My beads of the Flame of Love and the Rosary of the Precious Blood – Soon the Churches will close and you will need to search out My beloved Priest-sons in the Modern Catacombs of the Houses of Prayer. My Seventh Trumpet you will now proceed to the next part of your Mission; the Church awaits the Trumpet to show them what must be done in these crucial moments. Pope Benedict, the True Vicar Christ; his time to flee Rome is near.
WILLIAM: I have been feeling Our Lady’s Presence for some days. As I woke up I heard Her Voice crying, then I saw Her outline next to me. I was saying to her: “Do not cry, Mother!” She said:
OUR LADY: “How can I not cry, My son, as I know what will befall man, as mankind are now within the Great Tribulation and these sorrows, as have happened with Hurricane Harvey, are only small in comparison to what is coming.”
“The world is pointing the finger at other Nations and saying I am glad this is not happening in my country. But, My children, this is not so and will not be so, as far worse will come to your Nations, even to this country, Australia.”
“All of this, My son, is because men are disobedient to God. They have forsaken their God, My Divine Son Jesus. I call on My children to take up their cross and follow My Divine Son; follow Me, your Heavenly Mother, who will help you in these trying moments for the struggle of your souls.”
“I call on My children to unite with Me in daily prayer. It is time to pray My beads of the Flame of Love and the Rosary of the Precious Blood of My Divine Son. Call on the Precious Blood to cover you and your family, to sanctify you. Increase your moments in My Son’s House; receive Him in the Sacraments while you can, because soon the churches will close and you will need to search out My beloved Priest-sons in the Modern Catacombs of the Houses of Prayer, scattered around the world.”
“You, My beloved son, My Seventh Trumpet, will now proceed to the next part of your Mission, as other parts are on hold, to some degree, as the Church awaits the Trumpet to show them what must be done in these crucial moments.”
“The Church will now divide, as the world goes into convulsions. Men must not be afraid who love their God, for the Holy Angels are there to protect His children.”
“O son, I know the evil one has attacked you much – as he is Our children who serve My Divine Son and I, your Mother – but We are always by your side – you only have to call on us.”
“The road now, for Our beloved children and Priest-sons, will be very difficult, as the Man of Perdition will make himself known to mankind.”
“Prayer is the Weapon of Truth – more powerful than any creation of man. Love, children – love is more powerful than hate – gather all those you love, your family, your children, your friends and tell them all of My Divine Son’s Great Love for them and His Great Sacrifice He offered for them and all of mankind.”
“Pray, My beloved children, for men will be confronted with their greatest fears, as the Earth and men will clash, where the Heavens will fall, as fire enters its atmosphere.”
“All that the Prophets of Old and New have given to man will now unfold, until the Great Warning appears in the Heavens. Prepare your households; bring in food and water with your holy items of love, as time is speeding towards all that Heaven has revealed. We Love you, Our children and send Our Blessings to you from the Triune God of Love and Peace.”
“The Great War is at the door; Australia is not far from the great Chastisement as Our children are like those of old, when all was swept away – as they were marrying and celebrating all that is not of God, so that they can enjoy the sins of the flesh with no care in the world, believing they are untouchable.”
“Read the Word of God, then you will learn what is to befall this generation, as My Words given to you by My Father in Heaven, have been ridiculed and ignored at My Holy Place, discarded by My children – these Precious Words given to you through My holy son, whom you know as My Little Rock. Time is now moving forward where all of My Words given to you in Australia, will be fulfilled. The events in the U.S.A. are only a small part of God’s Hand falling down upon an unrepentant world. The same – and even worse – will now come to this Nation, Australia;, until My children turn to My Divine Son in repentance.”
Continue now, My son and My faithful children, to go forward in the Light of My Divine Son, Jesus. I Love you, My son William, My Envoy Angel of Divine love for humanity. I send My Blessing to Pope Benedict – the True Vicar of My Divine Son. His time to flee Rome is near, as Rome will be devastated very soon, as the Earth will quake; the armies will march. Pray for Benedict; pray for My faithful Priest-sons and Religious Sisters who are faithful to God.”
The Eclipse of the Church is near and the Renewal of Faith is also near, as men will finally see what they have done, as their minds and hearts will be illuminated to the truth of My Divine Son, Jesus, who is the True Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Praised be to God the Most High – as I am the Handmaiden of the Lord. Continue to march forward, My Remnant Church.”
Your Heavenly Mother, Mary
The Immaculate Conception
“My precious son: Much has been revealed to your inner self. Know that My Divine Son Jesus and I, your Spouse, are always with you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Be at Peace.”
At the beginning make the Sign of the Cross five times, in honour of Our Lord’s Five Holy Wounds Using a normal Rosary, on the large beads say:
Large Beads:Sorrowful and Immaculate heart of Mary pray for us who seek refuge in Thee
Small Beads:Holy Mother save us, through Thy Immaculate Heart’s Flame of Love
Three Glory Be’s – in honour of the Holy Trinity: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.
Prayer at the end: Mother of God, send forth the Grace from Thy Flame of Love, to the whole human race, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
The Blessed Virgin has proclaimed that while these prayers are recited “no dying soul in that neighbourhood will be damned” and that Her Flame of Love will extend even to the poor Souls in Purgatory and their families. (Virgo Incoronata, 2003)
Szeretetláng rózsafüzér
Bevezetés (1+3 szem)
5 tized (5-ször 1+10 szem)
5 Keresztvetés
(Isteni Megváltónk öt szent Sebe tiszteletére)
Nagy (önálló) szemre:
Szűz Mária Fájdalmas és Szeplőtelen szent Szíve, -könyörögj érettünk, kik Hozzád menekülünk!
1. kis szemre:
Istenem, hiszek Tebenned, mert végtelenül jó vagy!
2. kis szemre:
Istenem, remélek Tebenned, mert végtelenül irgalmas vagy!
3. kis szemre:
Istenem, szeretlek Téged, mert mindennél szeretetre méltóbb vagy!
Tizedekre (5):
Nagy (önálló) szemre:
Szűz Mária Fájdalmas és Szeplőtelen szent Szíve, -könyörögj érettünk, kik Hozzád menekülünk!
Kis szemekre (10):
Szűzanyánk, ments meg minket Szeplőtelen Szíved Szeretetlángja által!
Áraszd Szeretetlángod kegyelmi hatását az egész emberiségre most és halálunk óráján! Ámen.
1 Dicsőség
Each bead of the Precious Blood Chaplet is, as it were, a Chalice filled with the Divine Blood of Jesus, uplifted by Our Lady to the Eternal Father, imploring every Grace necessary for your soul and body. The Seven Mysteries in which we meditate on – the Seven Principal Blood-shedding of Jesus. The beads number thirty three in honour of the thirty three years the Precious Blood flowed in the Veins of Jesus before it was all poured out on the Cross for our salvation. To pray this Chaplet, recite the Our Father on each of the thirty-three beads, completing each of the seven groups with the Glory Be, as thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity for this great gift of the Precious Blood.
Oh Precious Blood of Jesus, infinite price of sinful man’s redemption, both drink and laver of our souls, Thou who dost plead continually the cause of man before the Throne of Infinite Mercy; from the depths of my heart, I adore Thee and so far as I am able, I would requite Thee for the insults and outrages which Thou dost continually receive from human beings and especially from those who rashly dare to blaspheme Thee. Who would not bless this Blood of infinite value? Who doth not feel within himself the fire and love of Jesus who shed it all for us? What would be my fate, had I not been redeemed by this divine Blood? Who hath drawn it from the veins of my Saviour, even to the last drop? Ah, this surely was the work of love. O Infinite Love, grant that every heart and every tongue may be enabled to praise Thee, magnify Thee and give Thee thanks now and for evermore. Amen.
V. O God, come to my assistance!
R. Lord, make haste to help me!
V. Glory be to the Father …
R. As it was in the beginning …
Let us ask for chastity of soul and body. Say the Our Father five times then say: “Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me.”
Say one Glory Be, and complete the mystery by reciting: “We beseech Thee, therefore, help Thy servants whom Thou has redeemed by Thy Precious Blood.”
Let us ask for the spirit of prayer. Say the Our Father five times then say: “Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me.”
Say one Glory Be, and complete the mystery by reciting: “We beseech Thee, therefore, help Thy servants whom Thou has redeemed by Thy Precious Blood.”
Let us ask for the grace of mortification. Say the Our Father five times then say: “Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me.”
Say one Glory Be, and complete the mystery by reciting: “We beseech Thee, therefore, help Thy servants whom Thou has redeemed by Thy Precious Blood.”
Let us ask for contempt of worldly honours. Say the Our Father five times then say: “Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me.”
Say one Glory Be, and complete the mystery by reciting: “We beseech Thee, therefore, help Thy servants whom Thou has redeemed by Thy Precious Blood.”
Let us ask for patience. Say the Our Father five times then say: “Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me.”
Say one Glory Be, and complete the mystery by reciting: “We beseech Thee, therefore, help Thy servants whom Thou has redeemed by Thy Precious Blood.”
Let us ask for contrition for our sins. Say the Our Father five times then say: “Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me.”
Say one Glory Be, and complete the mystery by reciting: “We beseech Thee, therefore, help Thy servants whom Thou has redeemed by Thy Precious Blood.”
Let us ask for the grace of perseverance. Say the Our Father three times then say: “Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me.”
Say one Glory Be, and complete the mystery by reciting: “We beseech Thee, therefore, help Thy servants whom Thou has redeemed by Thy Precious Blood.”
Final Prayer: Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in satisfaction for my sins, for the needs of Holy Church and for the relief of the souls in purgatory.
(Other prayers to the Precious Blood can also be used instead of the Chaplet)
The Holy Face of Jesus In Crucifixion. Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Save Us.
Dear Jesus, I ask You to Consecrate me, my family, friends and Nation to the Protection of Your Precious Blood.
You died for me and Your Wounds are my wounds, as I gracefully accept the suffering, which I will endure in the lead up to Your Second Coming. I suffer with You, dear Jesus, as You try to gather all of God’s children into Your Heart, so that we will have Eternal Life.
Cover me and all those who need Your Protection with Your Precious Blood. Amen.
[See website: http://www.truthandaction.org/putin-accuses-pope-francis-of-not-worshiping-the-god-of-the-bible/2/]
Vladimir Putin believes Pope Francis is an imposter who is not qualified to be sitting in his position of theological grounds. That he is not a Christian. And this is apparent to anyone with the “the eyes to see and the ears to hear”. Putin doesn’t hold back.
To be a legitimate pope, one must be “bishop of Rome,” and prior to becoming a bishop, one must be a priest. Jorge Bergoglio was not ordained (1969) in the traSouditional [traditional] Apostolic ordination rite of the Church, nor was he consecrated (1992) as a true bishop in that rite. His predecessor, Benedict XVI, was, likewise, not consecrated in the traditional rite although he was ordained as a priest under the “old rite.”
Simply put: Jorge Bergoglio is just a layman masquerading as a pope as are all of the other priests and bishops which were given Holy Orders under the new rites which came into effect in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Anti-Council (1962-65).
Pope Francis or Jorge Bergoglio, isn’t just a hippy new-age “all people worship the same God” flake of a Pope. He is using his platform to promote a socialist new world order. And let us not forget the overlooked pedophilia crises being hidden by this so-called man of God.
On the contrary, Francis has encouraged perversion with his now infamous statement of “who am I to judge.”
What type of a man says this in response to the rape of innocent children? And therein you have your answer as to who this masquerading so-called “pope” really is.
We are all tasked with living our own lives under the moral code of the universe and our higher power. And Pope Francis or Jorge Bergoglio, you will indeed be judged one day for failing to provide justice to those daring to assault and attack the innocent children. There is a reason he is working to create a new world order for himself, his friends and all their globalist associates. But, judgment will await either in this world or the next.